Die doelwit van BARK sal volgens die amptelike grondwet wees;
Om die belange van al sy lede vir alle fasette van amateurradio en verwante aktiwiteite te bevorder.
Om die SARL te ondersteun en die lede van BARK aan te moedig om by
die SARL aan te sluit.


Ons is ‘n vriendelike, hulpvaardige en hartlike groep mense in hierdie klub en verwelkom nuwe lede en belangstellendes van die Kaapstad, en Boland gebied en verder verwyder.
About Our Hobby
What is Amateur radio?
The many facets of amateur radio attract practitioners with a wide range of interests. Many amateurs begin with a fascination of radio communication and then combine other personal interests to make pursuit of the hobby rewarding. Some of the focal areas amateurs pursue include radio contesting, radio propagation study, public service communication, technical experimentation, and computer networking.
Amateur radio operators use various modes of transmission to communicate. The two most common modes for voice transmissions are frequency modulation (FM) and single sideband (SSB). FM offers high quality audio signals, while SSB is better at long distance communication when bandwidth is restricted.[15]
Radiotelegraphy using Morse code, also known as “CW” from “continuous wave“, is the wireless extension of landline (wired) telegraphy developed by Samuel Morse and dates to the earliest days of radio. Although computer-based (digital) modes and methods have largely replaced CW for commercial and military applications, many amateur radio operators still enjoy using the CW mode—particularly on the shortwave bands and for experimental work, such as Earth–Moon–Earth communication, because of its inherent signal-to-noise ratio advantages. Morse, using internationally agreed message encodings such as the Q code, enables communication between amateurs who speak different languages. It is also popular with homebrewers and in particular with “QRP” or very-low-power enthusiasts, as CW-only transmitters are simpler to construct, and the human ear-brain signal processing system can pull weak CW signals out of the noise where voice signals would be totally inaudible. A similar “legacy” mode popular with home constructors is amplitude modulation (AM), pursued by many vintage amateur radio enthusiasts and aficionados of vacuum tube technology.
Demonstrating a proficiency in Morse code was for many years a requirement to obtain an amateur license to transmit on frequencies below 30 MHz. Following changes in international regulations in 2003, countries are no longer required to demand proficiency.
The Amateur's Code
Never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs and the South African Radio League, through which Amateur Radio in South Africa is represented nationally and internationally.
with knowledge abreast of science, a well- built and efficient station and operation above reproach.
slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.
radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community.
station and skill always ready for service to country and community.
Die Amateur se Kode
Die amateur is ‘n ware heer / dame. Sal nooit bewustelik of moedswillig die radiogolwe op so ‘n wyse vir eie genot aanwend om daardeur die genot vir ander te bederf nie.
Die Amateur is lojaal teenoor ander amateurs, die klubs, Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga en bied sy ondersteuning aan plaaslik of internatsionaal. Hy lê hom neer by die onderneming wat die SARL aan die owerheid beloof het.
Die Amateur is progressief en sy stasie is in tred met die wetenskap. Sy bedienings praktyk is netjies en ordelik.
Die Amateur is vriendelik en verdraagsaam wanneer aan hom ‘n versoek gerig word. Hy verstrek geredelik raad aan alle amateurs en verleen graag hulp en samewerking in die gees van amateur radio.
Die Amateur is ewewigtig en laat nie toe dat sy stokperdjie met sy gesinslewe, werk of gemeenskap inmeng nie.
Die Amateur is patrioties, sy kennis en stasie is altyd vir sy land en gemeenskap beskikbaar.